Learn where the red dudes are gonna go at all times and keep moving. To complete this challenge you can never slow down.

Same as the last challenge, but this time the clock does not only ticks when you are moving, but in real life time. * no modifications * try beating RED times * what are you waiting for? with a timer! * ticking even when you don't move. * TICK! * TOCK! * TICK! * TOCK! * you die. Transformed into a precise killing machine.Ĩ. The RED times are as followsĠ1KICK= 4 seconds 02ALLEY= 4 seconds 03CORRID= 4 seconds 04DROP= 5 seconds 05SUBWAY= 8 seconds 06JUMP= 8.5 seconds 07SHOTS= 8 seconds 09FIGHTC= 5 seconds 10DESPER= 9.5 seconds 11BREAK= 9 seconds 13TIRALL= 7 seconds 14SERV= 10 seconds 15HOSPIT= 12 seconds 16DONUT= 11 seconds 19OLDBOY= 9.5 seconds 17ELEVAT= 4 seconds 20BALLRO= 7 seconds 21MEETIN= 14 seconds 25FALL= 5 seconds 26STAIRS= 9.5 seconds 27OFFICE= 8.5 seconds 28STATION= 7.5 seconds 29TRAIN= 4.5 seconds 30GATE= 7.5 seconds 31LOBBY= 10 secondsīam! Now you have the easy speed run achievement This will just take practice, you will need to learn where every red dude is at all times. You need every shot to hit, to pick up every gun at the right time and to never run into a single wall. The same as the first play through, but now you are being timed. * TOCK! * no modifications * TICK! * try beating RED times * TOCK! * what are you waiting for? with a timer! * TICK! * ticking only when you move. There is no way you do not have this by nowħ. Jump when possible, separate enemies when possible and never get corned by a red dude with a shotgun. I can not stress enough to evade, evade, evade. Same as the AD2013 challenge, but now your punches take 3 hits to kill and you have no guns. BAREHANDS CHALLENGE * only punching * no guns * no weapons * no throwing * only punching, get it? This will take a bit to get used to, but after the first few levels it shouldn't be any problem. It's time to use those random objects on the floor to the best of your ability, you will have to aim well ahead of the red dudes so they walk into the path of your projectile. Punching is a last resort as it takes 5 hits to kill, it will only work in a 1 on 1 fight. KILLING THROWS CHALLENGE * no shooting * every throw kills * soft punches Since bullets are so hard to come by in this challenge, remember that if there is only 1 red dude nearby you can throw your gun on the ground, punch them to death, and then pick it back up therefore not wasting ammo. No need to rush or even move at any more than a snail's pace. Remember that time no longer moves AT ALL so look around and plan every move with agonzing detail. FULLSTOP CHALLENGE * Time stands completely still when you don't move * but you can only shoot once from each gun * and enemy bullets fly faster