Sin and punishment star successor
Sin and punishment star successor

sin and punishment star successor

Isa has a better firing rate and is more powerful, and his charge shot is a single powerful blast.


Kachi’s auto-lock is as powerful as her manual one and her charge attack can lock onto multiple enemies. You can play as either Isa or Kachi, who possess slightly different abilities. This action angers a group of mysterious beings known as the Creators, who command a group of five beings known as the Nebulox (known as the G5, or Gathering of 5 Countries, in the Japanese version) to take them down. Having apparently forgotten her mission, she instead decides the side of her nemesis. She’s rescued by a boy named Isa, the son of Airan and Saki from the first game. One of the agents from Outer Space takes the form of a human girl and invades enemy territory, only to be hit with a terrible bout of amnesia. It takes place several years in the future, where it’s become apparent that there are two dimensions: Inner Space and Outer Space. The story is a bit less insane than the original, though not by much. This sequel does the same on occasion, and a few boss fights zoom the camera out to allow 360 degree movement, similar to the shooter/fighter hybrid Senko no Ronde.

sin and punishment star successor

The original game also changed things up a bit by switching to a side-scrolling perspective on a few occasions. After firing, it takes a few seconds for it to be used again, but careful balancing of dodging and charge shooting is absolutely essential to the mastery of the game. You also have a charge attack, which deals substantially more damage than your standard rapid fire laser. While this might theoretically sound like it would make things too easy, there’s also a split second after each dash where you’re susceptible to damage, requiring that you not only time them perfectly, but also make sure that you end up in a safe spot. In its place is a dash roll maneuver, which lets you quickly dodge and gives you temporarily invulnerability. The biggest change is the ability to fly at all times, removing the need to jump. You can also still reflect projectiles with a sword attack, executed by tapping the Z button. There are still two types of targeting cursors – an entirely manual one, and a lock-on which will reduce damage but make it easier to aim. The fundamentals are pretty much the same. The character models are a bit dodgy, but the incredible looking bosses more than make up for it, resulting it what is easily one of the best looking games on the Wii. From a technical standpoint, it’s obviously improved too – as a native Wii game, it looks leaps and bounds beyond the foggy Nintendo 64 technology, and runs at a solid smooth 60 FPS at almost all times. The application of the motion controls is obvious – it’s smoother, more logical and far more approachable.

sin and punishment star successor

It wasn’t until they saw the Western sales of the Virtual Console re-release of the original Sin and Punishment that creating a sequel was of the utmost importance. Sin & Punishment 2 only took so long because Nintendo didn’t realize the demand. It’s far more natural than any of the setups in the original Nintendo 64 game, and it’s almost surprising that it took anyone this long to develop a rail shooter using these controls. Sin & Punishment is a totally ideal fit for the Wii – the nunchuck in the left hand to the control the character, the Wii remote in the right to control aiming. That is, until Sin and Punishment: Star Successor came out. And so, it didn’t seem like anyone was really using the Wii remote to its fullest potential. A small handful of games, like No More Heroes and Super Mario Galaxy, used the motion controls to enhance the experience, although in most cases they were extraneous. Indeed, this proved to be mostly true, as games using the Wii remote were more about flailing randomly than anything resembling actual skill. When Nintendo announced the motion control remote for the Wii, longtime gamers were skeptical that it could actually enhance the gaming experience.

Sin and punishment star successor